Exciting Product Release in February: A Comprehensive Overview

In February, we embarked on an exciting journey to enhance your experience with our product. We are thrilled to introduce a range of new features and improvements that will elevate your user experience to new heights. Let’s dive into the details of our product release and see how these updates can benefit you.

Connect Google Ads to PayHelm for ROAS Analysis:
Marketing insights are invaluable in today’s competitive landscape. Our latest feature allows you to effortlessly connect your Google Ads account to PayHelm. This integration empowers you with the ability to analyze Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) seamlessly. By merging these insights, you can optimize your advertising campaigns, allocate resources more effectively, and enhance your marketing strategy.

Improve Metric Exports when drilling into all information:
Understanding your data is paramount in today’s business landscape. To cater to your analytical needs, we’ve made a significant enhancement – now, you can retrieve all results when a facet is included in a chart. Gone are the days when you were limited by partial data representations. With this feature, you have the power to delve deeper into your data, extract more insights, and make well-informed decisions.

Make CSV Export Industry Standard:
Efficient data management is vital for your business, and that includes exporting data in a standardized and user-friendly format. In response to your valuable feedback, we’ve overhauled our CSV export functionality to align with industry standards. This improvement ensures that your exported data maintains its integrity, compatibility, and reliability across various platforms and tools.

Add Product Variant Analytics for Further Metrics:
Precision in tracking orders is the foundation of effective business management. We’ve listened to your concerns and addressed the issue of duplicate order counts arising from variants. With this problem resolved, you can trust that your order data is now more accurate and reliable than ever before.

Sync Shipping, Insurance, and Fulfillment to Store:
Efficiency in managing your operations is crucial. Our product update includes the synchronization of shipping, insurance, and fulfillment data with your store. This enhancement streamlines your workflow, reduces manual data entry, and saves you valuable time and effort.

Automatic Insurance Rules for Shippers:
For shippers, the safety and protection of your items are of utmost importance. We’ve introduced the ability to set automatic insurance rules, ensuring that your items are insured by default. This added layer of protection simplifies the shipping process and mitigates risks, providing you with peace of mind.

Enhanced Filtering Options:
Filtering and sorting data to find exactly what you need is now more flexible than ever. We’ve expanded your filtering options, allowing you to filter by any value. Whether you prefer selecting inputs or typing in multiple values, our improved filtering system accommodates your unique needs.

UI Improvements:
User interface improvements have been a focal point of our product update. We’ve meticulously addressed issues related to colors, padding, borders, and any broken dashboard controls. Your user interface is now not only visually appealing but also more intuitive and user-friendly.

Card_Type Filter and Default Metrics:
To provide you with a more personalized experience, we’ve introduced a card_type filter to PayHelm and Chart on Overview. Additionally, we’ve ensured that new users and invited users have the right default metrics on the overview page. This ensures a smoother onboarding process and empowers you with the insights you need from day one.

Our February product release is a testament to our commitment to providing you with the best possible user experience. We hope these updates empower you to work more efficiently and make more informed decisions. Thank you for your continued support, and stay tuned for more exciting developments in the future.